Physical Address

304 North Cardinal St.
Dorchester Center, MA 02124

Our standards for using AI at The Dallas Morning News

The Dallas Morning News is committed to transparency, accuracy and fairness in delivering authoritative reporting and commentary. We also seek to innovate our journalism amid swift technological change.
Generative artificial intelligence, which uses large language models to create text, images, graphics and interactive media, can be a useful tool. We also know it can produce inaccuracies and misinformation.
Our newsroom is dedicated to examining applications of AI technology in our work while maintaining the integrity of how we approach and produce journalism.
We do not use generative AI to produce text, headlines, photographs, graphics, data visualizations, interactives or other content for publication. We will explicitly note if generative AI tools are used to analyze or filter data and source material intended for publication, including how they were used.
A behind-the-scenes look of the stories we cover and who we are.
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The use of basic AI tools for non-content creation purposes such as transcribing audio and checking grammar and spelling is permitted in our newsroom.
The News has formed a cross-departmental team to continue to evaluate our newsroom’s AI usage. As The News updates these practices, we will do so in full transparency with our audience.
Our highest duty is to the truth and to our readers.
